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Richard's Delphi Source Code & Stuff



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http://www.vissers.net/delphi/index.html Richard's Delphi Source Code & Stuff NEW! Ping Log utility with Source Code. Some Delphi Tips and Tricks. Just added how to shut down/log off Windows. A little commandline utility with source code that will delete registery keys and values. Make your TForm a transparent form! Change your TForm and other components to a shape other than a rectangle! Some folks have asked me why choose Delphi over VB? Where here are some links you should visit. Ariticle by former VB developer Bruce McKinney. that appears in VB Prog. Journal. Article (with a list) by Dr. Alan C. Moore, Professor at Kentucky State University. A site that has links to various Delphi vs. VB info. Article from the VB Professional Developers Association. And no list would be complete without a side by side review from ZD/Net. Some PVCS Tips and Tricks for Delphi4! Some good info on using the BDE with MS-SQLServer 7. If you have just upgraded to Delphi5 like I did, you probably noticed that going from PVCS to TeamSource has some problems. Here is some info I've collected I hope that helps you. A little something I wrote about the Borland Developers Conference 2000. A little something I wrote about the Borland Developers Conference 1999. I now have a updated version of my Custom Edit Mask File. If you (like me) use a wide variation of edit masks for the DBControls in Delphi, then this is for you. It has a ton of edit masks that Borland/Inprise left out. To install the file, download the file then save it in your ..\borland\delphi4\bin\ directory. Then when selecting an edit mask just click on the 'Mask...' button and select the 'Custom' mask file. Email me if you have any questions. Download the Custom.dem file. For more information on Delphi go to: Inprise's (formerly Borland) Delphi Web Site http://www.borland.com/delphi. Two Borland Graphics (Graphic One, GraphicTwo) that show an architecture we implemented at Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan. The Delphi Super Page, a great place to start looking for components and code. WinFiles maintains a great listing a Delphi Components and Tools. Object Lessons has great training as well as 40 great Delphi Controls I don't think any serious developer can live without! Sign up to receive notices when code changes but emailing delphi-request@vissers.net with the work 'subscribe' in the message body
系統時間:2024-06-13 18:14:41
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